3 VE 2013 Feature Pack 02 VE 2013 Feature Pack 02 Changes General Axonometric rotation button disabled when not in axonometric view [ID-60447]: The set axonometric rotation button will be disabled when not in axonometric view. Axonometric Rotation retained when switching application [ID-61071]: Axonometric rotation is now being retained correctly when switching between different views, rather than being reset to default. Room selection correctly maintained when switching views [ID-62965]: If you have selected geometry in the model view & switch to another view, the geometry is 'highlighted' and 'selected'. Can assign constructions to plane objects on upgraded models [ID-62269]: After upgrading a project you will be able to assign construction to plane objects as normal. ModelIT Key-in "rmopen" only applies to selected rooms [ID-37392]: The key-in "rmopen" only takes effect on selected rooms. If there are none selected, it operates across all rooms in the model. Construct-DXF correctly respects changes in Room Templates settings [ID-62964]: The construction template will be applied correctly by Construct-DXF if the user has changed it. External adjacency determination improvements [ID-62410]: Determining external adjacencies has been improved for some models. Previously reported slivers will now be correctly reported as external surfaces. Importing DXF improvements [ID-59916]: Crash prevented when importing certain problematic DXF files. Undo no longer sets room group to 'Rooms' [ID-60786]: When using the undo function, room groups are no longer changed to the default 'Rooms' every time. Multi-select improvements when selecting openings [ID-62001]: When Ctrl - clicking in the workspace to select multiple openings (e.g. in MacroFlo or Apache to assign data or in ModelIT to edit) improvements have been made to prevent extra openings being selected. 'Close perimeter' will not create 3D object for 2D plane [ID-61821]: Drawing a plane and closing the perimeter via the shape settings dialog no longer creates 3D geometry. Import IFC improvements [ID-61530]: IFC correctly imports when the header contains extra line breaks. Model Viewer II Only current zone will be visible when at surface level in MVII [ID-60785]: When at surface level only the currently selected zone will be visible when viewing in Model Viewer II. Adjacency display improvements when rooms are not visible [ID-55546]: When an adjacent room is not visible then the adjacency will be shown double sided. page 3
4 VE 2013 Feature Pack 02 ShowMe Area of assigned external wall construction correctly reported [ID-20292]: In the ShowMe report the area of assigned external wall construction will be correctly reported. Items removed from Room Group drop down [ID-61087]: The Analysis and Images options have been removed from the Room Group drop down. These should be selected via the appropriate tabs. Building Template Manager Edits to DHW Pattern of use profile retained by BTM [ID-50996]: Any edits made to the DHW Pattern of use profile in the Building Template Manager will be retained when leaving the dialog. Constructions Edit construction material improvements [ID-15429]: When viewing the layers of a project construction you can double-click to edit the material description, thickness, conductivity, density, specific heat capacity or resistance. Ground Floor U-Value Adjustment Dialog updated [ID-49983]: The Ground Floor U-Value Adjustment Dialog for ground contact walls has been updated to allow the user to define the Basement floor resistance. Assign Constructions at adjacency level; only the selected surface will be highlighted [ID-60207]: When Assigning Constructions only the selected surface will be shown and highlighted when at adjacency level. Smaller values displayed correctly when using IP architectural units [ID-63526]: The construction thickness will be displayed correctly and values will be retained when editing using IP architectural or engineering units. Out of range resistances will be reset to default values [ID-44358]: When opening a project, any constructions which have inside or outside surface resistances outwith the accepted range will be updated to use the default value. An alert will be shown highlighting any changes. SunCast Crash prevented when cancelling simulation [ID-61544]: If running with the simultaneous solar shading calculations at Max and running the SunCast Solar Energy or Exposure Analysis a crash has been prevented when cancelling the simulation. Crash prevented when adjacent building has openings [ID-61805]: A crash has been prevented when running simultaneous SunCast calculations when any adjacent buildings have openings. Valid shading files are generated for these geometries now. Error prevented during notional simulation [ID-62030]: Error prevented during Notional simulation when the Notional Shading file has been generated using the new SunCast simultaneous calculation and the model has rooms which are excluded from the analysis. Simultaneous calculations can now be run for room names with square brackets [ID-62047]: Simultaneous calculations can now be run without error when room names contain square brackets. Simultaneous Calculation with disabled layers enabled [ID-62272]: Error prevented when running Simultaneous calculations when you have zones on inactive layers. page 4
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5 VE 2013 Feature Pack 02 Apache Edits made to heating or cooling unit capacity in Edit Group Attributes converted correctly [ID-58498]: Edits made to simulation heating or cooling unit capacity in Edit Group Attributes will be converted correctly when viewing in Tabular Room Data. Tab Room Data edit corrections [ID-62336]: When using non-uk regional formats edits made in Tabular Room Data are no longer multiplied by factor of 100 when clicking off tab. ApacheHVAC Radiant panel internal sensor location improvements [ID-54604]: When in Global edit mode, setting the proportional sensor location to internal and setting it to the local room will set all other layers to their corresponding room. Room Unit dialog text updates [ID-63232]: Updates in Room Unit Radiator and Chilled Ceiling dialogs to ensure that any autosized values are marked with green text and a green 'A'. Copy/move toolbar buttons enabled when selecting networks [ID-61912]: When a network contains heat recovery components the copy/move toolbar buttons will be enabled when selecting the network. On/off setpoint controller status not affected by changes in other controllers [ID-60158]: The status of the on/off setpoint controller is no longer affected by changes to time switch profiles in other controllers. Loads Data spreadsheet updates: [ID-63181]: MC 7 Cooling coil reference updated in system 01a and PRM system 1. [ID-63090]: For all systems of type 09, the Target DBT for Energy Recovery and Bypass Damper = DOAS AHU heat coil LAT. Previously the spreadsheet set this at LAT - 5F. [ID ]: Max Recirc Airflow: Cooling or Heating formula revised to use parallel logic to ensure that the Max value is greater than the Min value. [ID-62799]: The System 1 and 2 tabs Max Heating and Max Cooling Airflow formulae updated to no longer use incorrect reference to 62.1 calculations. [ID-62801]: Revised formulas for Max Cooling Supply Airflow, Max Heating Supply Airflow and Min Supply Airflow on System Tabs to reference Max value for both Cooling Adjusted Flow Rate and Heating Adjusted Flow Rate on 62.1 calcs tab. [ID62800]: Prevent reporting of %OA greater than 100% in Engineering Checks section of spreadsheet, and thus also in System Loads Report, when peak flow rate calculated for heating or cooling is less than Min Vent Airflow value. Room unit dialog now modal [ID-59434]: After setting a Radiator, Direct Acting Heater or Chilled Ceiling to use a timed profile the dialog is now modal. Importing network default to Global mode [ID-62613]: When importing all library systems multiplexes will default to Global edit mode. Proportional flow controller graph improvements [ID-62387]: Proportional flow controller graph flow values corrected and label linked to the proportional flow sensed variable rather than the on/off one. Enthalpy displays chart correctly when using IP units [ID-62217]: When using IP units, if you have enthalpy as sensed variable, set on/off control active and set to constant, entering 100 for midband and 10 for bandwidth will correctly show 95, 100 and 105 in the graph. page 5
6 VE 2013 Feature Pack 02 Moving a controller will generate a save prompt [ID-57662]: Will now be prompted to save when switching module after moving the controller, node or sensor. Various improvements when moving HVAC prototype systems [ID-62497]: Improvements made when moving prototype systems. Moving a prototype system on top of another system will no longer corrupt the moved system. Also, moving two systems at the same time now works as expected. Crash prevented when opening system with disconnected room [ID-62102]: A crash has been prevented when opening a system with a disconnected room with radiator "Fin tube convector 1". Ctrl-click selection improvements [ID ]: Systems fully selected when selecting multiple systems using Ctrl-click via the selection bar. Works as expected when moving or copying. Un-editable Pump power peak controls removed [ID-60055]: Pump power peak controls and Pump usage column are now hidden when Part load heating plant is on HWL. Chilled ceiling dialog reports correct values [ID-]: The Chilled ceiling dialog no longer reports the nighttime setback value as Design Room Air Temp for autosizing. The chilled ceiling design room air temp now matches the occupied cooling setpoint. Compressor and pump heat gain to condenser and chilled water loops accept values 0-1 [ID-44010]: The following gains now accepts values between 0-1: Pump heat gain: Chilled water loop pump (primary & secondary) Condenser water loop pump in CWL PCL pump in CWL Hot water loop pump (primary & secondary) Heat transfer loop pump (primary & secondary) Cooling tower loop pump in HTL Compressor heat gain: EWC chiller EAC chiller Chilled water loop's design outdoor temperatures allow temperature down to -40 degc [ID-58438]: The chilled water loop's design outdoor dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures now allow negative inputs down to -40 degc in the precooling and heat rejection tabs. Room units in stratified zones autosized [ID-59218]: Room units in non-principal rooms, whether they are adiabatic, assigned a physical room or disconnected, in all systems of type 9 are now sized using the data of the principal room. Fan component corruption prevented on upgrading projects [ID-61714]: To prevent fan corruption, if a fan with zero flow is encountered the flow is set to the default value and the pressure is set to zero instead. Vista/VistaPro Axis label corrected [ID-61458]: In the XY Plot graph the X axis will correctly show the months rather than the days when needed. Range tests work with NAN's [ID-63067]: Range tests will work correctly with NAN's in the time stream and will report the correct number of hours. Summation error message updated [ID-63067]: When summing a variable, previously "n/a" was reported if the variable wasn't summable, this has been changed to "Unable to sum variable" to improve the clarity. page 6 2ff7e9595c